Place Band Theme Captain Marching
1. Ferko A Holiday at the Corral Joseph A. Ferko 5
2. Uptown Indian Summer Robert Runkle, Jr. 6
3. Durning The Pirates of Penzance James Durning, Sr. 9
4. Aqua Nubian Slaves Fred Kesel 10
5. Hegeman Minute Men of the World Al Fink 12
6. Duffy Glorified Jockies George Duffy 11
7. Polish American The Fountain of Youth Walter Krop 16
8. Greater Kensington The Road to Mandalay Howard Peoples 13
9. Fralinger A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody John J. Fralinger, Jr. 14
10. Woodland Stars are the Windows of Heaven Joseph Bruecks 1
11. South Philadelphia Poor Butterfly Raymond Gurt 4
12. Quaker City Songs of the Islands Ray Endriss 7
13. Avalon Treasure Island Harry Lawson 15
14. Trilby The Penn Treaty Adam Quaglia 2
15. Broomall Winter Wonderland Peter A. Broomall 3
16. Whitman Stars are the Windows of Heaven Harry Straub 8
17. Penndel Does Your Heart Beat for Me Frank Weller 22
18. Palmyra Winter Wonderland Anthony D'Amato 23
19. Ukranian American Wedding in January Ed Wolfe 24
20. Dick Crean Musical Farmers Charles Bremser 18
21. Mayfair The Beach of Wacki, Wacki F. Cassidy 21
22. Harrowgate Symbols of Ireland Harold Trievel 20
23. Delaware County Troubadors of Peace Joe Blass 17
24. Garden State Semper Fidelis William Stumm 19

Top Captains

Place Captain Band
1. Fred Kesel Aqua
2. Robert Runkle, Jr. Uptown

If you have any info such as Correct theme titles or missing information, please feel free to E-mail me!

© 2005 finkmeister@verizon.net