Place Band Theme Captain Marching
1. Hegeman The Bells of Erin Al Fink 8
2. Ferko Musical Gems Joseph A. Ferko 4
3. Uptown Butterflies Robert Runkle, Jr. 18
4. Dick Crean The Wheel of Fortune Charles Bremser 9
5. Polish American The Vagabond King Walter Krop 10
6. Quaker City The Sun and the Moon Ray Endriss 17
7. Greater Kensington Gypsy Trail Howard Peoples 14
8. Aqua Fiesta Fred Kesel 6
9. Avalon Bouquet of Roses Harry Lawson 13
10. Trilby The Hit Parade Adam Quaglia 2
11. Fralinger Charmaine & His Royal Escorts John J. Fralinger, Jr. 16
12. South Philadelphia Toreadors Raymond Gurt 7
13. Woodland By the Sea Joseph Bresset 3
14. Durning Sheiks of Araby James Durning, Sr. 1
15. Broomall Autumn Serenade Peter A. Broomall 11
16. Greater Overbrook The Top Hatters Harry Straub 12
17. Harrowgate Heart of a Clown Harold Trievel 5
18. Ukranian American Down Mummery Lane Stanley Wolfe 15

Place Band Theme Captain Marching
1. Penndel Planets of Celeste Frank Weller 22
2. Palmyra Rainbows 'Round my Shoulder Anthony D'Amato 20
3. Garden State Holiday for Strings William Stumm 21
4. Tinicum Stars in Your Eyes Paul Jones 19

Top Captains

Place Captain Band
1. Charles Bremser Dick Crean
2. Robert Runkle, Jr. Uptown
3. Al Fink Hegeman

Place Captain Band
1. Paul Jones Tinicum
2. Anthony D'Amato Palmyra
3. Frank Weller Penndel

  • Thanks to John Gilbert, a long time member of Ferko for the explanation of the 1953 parade.
  • "The four non Philadelphia bands were judged separately from the Phila. bands. They were also awarded captains prizes."

    If you have any info such as Correct theme titles or missing information, please feel free to E-mail me!

    © 2005 finkmeister@verizon.net
