Place Band Theme Captain Marching
Music Presentation Suit Total
1. Polish American Holiday in Scotland Walter Krop 16 38 19.99 39 96.99
2. Ferko The Blue and the Grey Joseph A. Ferko 9 39 20 37.4 96.4
3. Aqua Bravo Brasilia Fred Kesel 13 35 19.8 37.75 92.55
4. Greater Overbrook Swamp Fire Harry Straub 8 36 19.99 36 91.99
5. Fralinger Mother John J. Fralinger, Jr. 14 34 19.86 37.9 91.76
6. Hegeman South Sea Warriors Al Fink 10 38 19.83 33 90.83
7. Greater Kensington Gentlemen Be Seated Howard Peoples 17 36 19.78 35 90.78
8. Garden State Signs of the Zodiac Ralph Anello 21 90.65
9. Greater Bucks Indian Fantasy Frank Weller 22 90.48
10. Duffy Pagan Goddess Henry Kunzig, Sr. 7 31.5 19.98 38.25 89.73
11. Harrowgate Chiefs of Oklahoma Harold Trievel 15 89.05
12. Uptown A Tournament of Roses Robert Runkle, Jr. 5 30 19.4 38.5 87.9
13. South Philadelphia Treasure Island Jim Donaghy 2 35 19.95 32.75 87.7
14. Ukranian American Rainbow Showers Barney Steegmueller 11 86.95
15. Quaker City Fiesta Espanola Ray Endriss 19 31.5 19.98 34.5 85.98
16. Palmyra Stairway to the Stars Anthony D'Amato 20 85.95
17. Woodland The World is Waiting for the Sunrise Dave Anderson, Sr. 3 31 19.65 35 85.65
18. Broomall Philadelphia's Own Hall of Fame Peter A. Broomall 12 31 19.5 34 84.5
19. Avalon The Least Thanked Harry Lawson 1 30.5 19.5 31.5 81.5
20. Durning A Salute to Mr. Mummer Leonard Oakes 18 28 19.4 33.25 80.65
21. Trilby Happy Day Adam Quaglia 4 30.5 19.35 30.75 80.6
22. Dick Crean French Artists Nolan Vaughn 6 70.1

Top Captains

Place Captain Band
1. Walter Krop Polish American
2. Ralph Anello Garden State
3. Henry Kunzig, Sr. Duffy
4. John J. Fralinger, Jr. Fralinger
5. Fred Kesel Aqua

If you have any info such as Correct theme titles or missing information, please feel free to E-mail me!

© 2005 finkmeister@verizon.net