Place Band Theme (Click link for video) Captain Marching
Music Presentation Suit Total
1. Fralinger Fralinger's Ragtime Band Bill Bowen, Jr. 15 36.5 19.5 38.5 94.5
2. Polish American Thanks for the Memories--USO Ray Danielewicz 23 36 19.5 38 93.5
3. Quaker City Dancin' the Great American Way Bob Shannon, Jr. 10 35 20 37.5 92.5
4.(tie) Ferko All Aboard for Dixie Bill Speziale 5 33 17 38 88
4.(tie) Greater Kensington Just Clownin' Around Bob Dicks 8 34 17.5 36.5 88
6.(tie) Aqua Over the Road with Aqua Al Primavera, Jr. 19 35 14 34.5 83.5
6.(tie) Harrowgate Four Minutes, Four Acts Al Carango 21 32 16 35.5 83.5
8. Garden State Here's to You, America Harry Hargesheimer 25 34 19.5 29 82.5
9. South Philadelphia At the Codfish Ball Jim Donaghy 13 34 11 34 79
10. Palmyra Alice Through the Looking Glass Joe Flach 22 26.5 17.5 32.5 76.5
11. South Jersey Smurfin' USA Paul Decker 20 30 13 32.5 75.5
12. Avalon All Aboard the Hobo Express Joe Lippi 2 27 14.5 33.5 75
13. Uptown The West Point Story Joe Trinacria 1 25 11.5 31.5 68
14. Hegeman On Stage in the Big Apple Tom Howley 18 31 8.5 28 67.5
15. Durning Hot Shots, Hot Spots & Saloons Jack Hee, Jr. 11 17.5 10.5 37 65
16. Woodland Come Follow the Band Dave Anderson, Sr. 4 22.5 11.5 30.5 64.5
17. Crean Let's Swing Timothy Patrick 12 21.5 14 28.5 64
18. Broomall Matinee Time at the Palace James Broomall 9 22.5 9 32 63.5
19. Northeast A Pirate's Life for Me Harry Tacyneck 17 19 8 28.5 55.5
20. Greater Overbrook An Old Fashioned Sing-a-Long Jim Driadon 7 18 9 28 55
21. Duffy Olé Henry Kunzig, Sr. 14 17 7.5 27 51.5
22.(tie) Trilby School Days Phil Peschi, Sr. 24 14.5 8.5 26 49
22.(tie) Ukranian American Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band Fred Lahm 6 16 8 25 49
24. Greater Bucks Gaslight Varieties George Young 16 15 4 24 43.5
25.(DQ) Juniata Atlantic City J. Creedon 3 17 10 29.5 56.5

Top Captains

Place Captain Band
1. Bill Bowen, Jr. Fralinger
2. Bill Speziale Ferko
3. Bill Dicks Greater Kensington
4. Bob Shannon, Jr. Quaker City
5. Ray Danielewicz Polish American

If you have any info such as Correct theme titles or missing information, please feel free to E-mail me!

© 2005 finkmeister@rcn.com