Place Band Theme (click on link for video) Captain Marching
Music Playing Music Effect Production Visual Effect Suit Total
1. Hegeman Hot in Harlem John Pignotti, Jr. 8 22.75 21.25 18.25 19.5 9.5 91.25
2. Fralinger Fralinger has no Reservations Bill Bowen, Jr. 17 19.5 20.5 19.5 20 9.75 89.25
3. Uptown I Love Paris Jamie Caldwell 13 20.75 18.5 19 19.75 9.75 87.75
4.(tie) Avalon It's a Jungle out There Mike Vaughan 15 18.75 17.5 19 19.5 9.75 84.5
4.(tie) Ferko One Man Second Hand Band Bill Speziale 21 20.25 17.75 18 19 9.5 84.5
6.(tie) Quaker City Shiver me Timbers Bob Shannon, Jr. 14 19.25 16.5 18 19.25 9.25 82.25
6.(tie) Woodland Our Mimes are Made up Bobby Cunningham 22 20 17.75 17.5 18 9 82.25
8. Trilby A Perfect Pitch Joey King 19 18.25 16.5 17.75 19.25 8.25 80
9. Greater Kensington Rodeo Clown'd up Scott Moyer 16 18.75 15.25 16 18.5 9 78.5
10. Polish American Masquerade on Parade Stan Magenta, Jr. 20 18.75 17 15.25 18 9.25 78.25
11. South Philadelphia Swampin' at the Savoy Bill Berenato 10 18 13.25 17.25 19 9.25 76.75
12. Durning Durning's all Keyed up Jack Hee, Jr. 9 18 13.25 17.25 19 9 76.5
13. Aqua Aqua's Playing their Hearts out Steve Morris 18 18 14.75 16 17.75 9 75.5
14. Crean Artfully Yours Ray Wisniewski 12 17 13.75 17.5 17.75 9 75
15. Greater Overbrook Car-Tunes Harry Hill 4 18 16.5 15.75 15.25 9 74.5
16. Italian American Aspects of Andrew Lloyd Weber Dan Tursi 1 20.5 14.25 13 17.5 7.25 72.5
17. Broomall No Strings Attached Peter Broomall, Jr. 2 18 15.25 14 16.25 7.75 71.25
18. Palmyra-South Jersey Howdy from the Grand Ole Opry Bill Adair 11 16.5 13 16 16.5 7.75 69.75
19. Ukranian American Showboat George Koresko 6 16 12.5 10 14.5 7 60
20. Greater Bucks Hallelujah America Steve Mulzet 7 14.5 9.75 10.25 15.5 7 57
21. Duffy Big Band Boom Ted Kudrick 5 11 9.5 9.5 11.25 7.25 48
22. Ventnor City America at Work Robert McLaughlin 3 11 9 7.75 11 6.5 45.75

Top Captains

Place Captain Band
1. Bill Bowen, Jr. Fralinger 48.5
2. Bob Shannon, Jr. Quaker City 48
3.(tie) John Pignotti, Jr. Hegeman 47.5
3.(tie) Jamie Caldwell Uptown 47.5
3.(tie) Mike Vaughan Avalon 47.5

If you have any info such as Correct theme titles or missing information, please feel free to E-mail me!

© 2005 finkmeister@verizon.net