Place Band Theme (click on link for video) Captain Marching
Music Playing Music Effect Production Visual Effect Suit Total
1. Ferko Sing Sing Swing Bill Speziale 20 21.75 22.5 18.7 19.25 9.95 92.15
2. Fralinger Goin' for the Gold Bill Bowen, Jr. 9 21.85 22 19.1 18.55 9.65 91.15
3. Uptown Deep in the Heart of Texas Jamie Caldwell 7 21.35 22 18.75 18.5 9.7 90.3
4. Woodland Scared Silly Dave Anderson, Jr. 6 21 22 18.35 18.7 9.8 89.95
5. Quaker City They're Privates Bob Shannon, Jr. 8 20 20 19.5 18.25 9.6 87.35
6. Avalon Avalon Presents: Alakazaam Mike Vaughan 13 20 18.5 18.8 19.45 9.9 86.65
7. Greater Kensington Plane Crazy Scott Moyer 16 18.75 19.5 19 18.6 9.05 84.9
8. Italian American At the Palace Perry DiMatteo 21 20.75 18.5 16.95 18.88 9.5 84.58
9. Hegeman Cornucopia Follies John Pignotti, Jr. 19 19.7 17 16.45 19 9.7 81.85
10. Polish American Boys and the Hood John Zachweija 10 17.75 16.75 18.15 18.4 9.8 80.85
11. Berlin A Spoonful of London Fern Dorfman 1 20 19 14.6 16 9 78.6
12. South Philadelphia Goin' to New Orleans, Gonna see the Mardi Gras Bill Berenato 17 18.1 18.5 15.35 16.5 9 77.45
13. Trilby Tin Can Alley Ronnie King 15 20.15 18 15.5 15 8.6 77.25
14. Greater Overbrook On the Road Again Harry Hill 4 17 15 17.3 16.9 8.75 74.95
15. Durning Business is Picking up Jerry LaRosa, Jr. 2 15.5 16.5 14.95 18.25 9.65 74.85
16. Aqua Aqua's in the Habit Steve Morris 12 17.5 15 16.6 16.25 9.25 74.6
17. Crean What's up Doc? Ray Wisniewski 14 17 16.5 15.85 16.75 8.1 74.2
18. Broomall Corner-Copia Peter Broomall, Sr. 11 15.5 15 16.75 16.75 8 72
19. Duffy Outback Jack & his Wild Pack Ted Kudrick 18 12.5 16 14.9 14.5 8.05 68.7
20. Ukranian American It's in the Bag George Koresko 3 17 15.5 13.25 14.75 7.75 68.25
21. Ventnor Storybook Land Robert McLaughlin 5 12.5 14 14.4 14 7.7 62.6

Top Captains

Place Captain Band
1. Bob Shannon, Jr. Quaker City 48.1
2. Scott Moyer Greater Kensington 48.05
3. Mike Vaughan Avalon 47.55
4. Bill Bowen, Jr. Fralinger 47.45
5. Jamie Caldwell Uptown 47.3

If you have any info such as Correct theme titles or missing information, please feel free to E-mail me!

© 2005 finkmeister@verizon.net