Place Band Theme (Click on link for video) Captain Marching
Music Playing Music Effect Production Visual Effect Suit Total
1. Ferko Ferko Plays the Palace Bill Speziale 16 21.95 24.25 19.1 19.5 9.85 94.7
2. Quaker City Quaker City is Runnin' this Bayou Bob Shannon, Jr. 9 22.75 23.75 19.5 18.75 9.9 94.65
3. Hegeman Hegeman Speaks Easy John Pignotti, Jr. 5 21.65 22.75 19.05 18.85 9.75 92.05
4. Avalon Clowning with the Classics Bill Gilson, Jr. 17 21.35 21.75 18.85 19.6 10 91.55
5. Woodland It's all Greek to me Dave Anderson, Jr. 13 20.2 17.9 18.75 18.95 9.85 87.7
6. Greater Kensington Lights, Camera, Action Scott Moyer 10 21.1 18.5 18.95 19.1 9.6 87.25
7. Fralinger Let's Paint the Town Bill Bowen, Jr. 14 21.75 18.5 17.2 19.6 9.95 87
8. Trilby Trilby Present a Peace of Harmony Ronnie King 8 20.7 20 17.9 18.4 9.6 86.6
9. Italian American Shanghai Surprise Perry DiMatteo 20 20.65 17.25 18.55 19.55 9.95 85.95
10. Polish American PA's Just Kidding John Zachweija 11 21 20.5 15.95 18.45 8.75 84.65
11. Uptown The British are Coming Jamie Caldwell 7 20.5 19.85 17.5 17 9.25 84.1
12. Durning Rhythms of the Night Jerry LaRosa, Jr. 15 18.4 16.75 17.6 17.75 9.45 79.95
13. Aqua In the Great Outdoors Len Giacabetti, Jr. 3 18.2 17.75 15.7 17.15 9 77.8
14. South Philadelphia Sultans of Swing Bill Berenato 18 17.7 15.25 17.45 17.4 9.4 77.2
15. Broomall Broomall's Steamin' the Southland Peter Broomall, Jr. 19 16.8 15.6 17.45 16.5 9 75.35
16. Burke Halftime at the Broad Street Bowl Bud Boeringer 12 17.85 17.25 15.45 16 7.7 74.25
17. Greater Overbrook Civil Un-Rest Harry Hill 6 16.95 15 14.2 16.5 8.5 71.15
18. Two Street Southern Riverboat Review Mike Vaughan 1 17.5 17.25 12.75 16.75 6.5 70.75
19. Duffy Rhythm and Blooms Ted Kudrick 2 16.35 14.75 13.7 16.2 8.25 69.25
20. Ukranian American Ragtime Daze George Koresko, Jr. 4 15.25 13.75 12.7 13.5 7.5 62.7

Top Captains

Place Captain Band
1. Perry DiMatteo Italian American 48.1
2. Bob Shannon, Jr. Quaker City 48
3. Bill Speziale Ferko 47.85
4. Bill Bowen, Jr. Fralinger 47.4
5. Bill Gilson, Jr. Avalon 47.35

If you have any info such as Correct theme titles or missing information, please feel free to E-mail me!

© 2005 finkmeister@verizon.net