Place Band Theme (Click on link for video) Captain Marching
Music Playing Music Effect Production Visual Effect Suit Total
1. Fralinger Fralinger's Feudin', Fussin' and Fightin' Tommy D' Amore 16 24 14.75 18.6 18.25 19.85 95.45
2. Ferko Hobo Junction Anthony Celenza 17 24.2 14.3 18.25 17.45 19.5 93.7
3. Quaker City Mums of La Mancha Charlie Roetz 15 23.35 14.55 18 18 19.65 93.55
4. South Philadelphia Gathering of Nations Denny Palandro 13 22.75 14.05 18.15 17.4 19.3 91.65
5. Avalon Prairie Tales Jack Hee 14 22.45 14.05 16.1 16.75 19.1 88.45
6. Woodland PhilharMAGIC Tom Robison 9 20.7 13.75 17.35 17.25 18 87.05
7. Polish American The Jokers Ball Mark Danielewicz 10 21.85 14.05 15.25 16.7 18.9 86.75
8. Greater Kensington Empire of the Czar Jimmy Tatar, Jr. 12 23.05 12.85 16.7 16.25 17.5 86.35
9. Hegeman Clowning Around Town John Baron 11 21.65 13.35 16 15.45 17.35 83.8
10. Uptown La Fiesta Mexicana Ryan Radcliffe 6 17.3 13.75 16.1 15.4 16.05 78.6
11. Durning Good Clean Fun Joe Pomante 8 16.8 13.45 14.45 16 16.1 76.8
12. Aqua It's About Time! Ron Iannacone 5 15.4 13.1 15.3 14.4 18.1 76.3
13. Duffy Animal Crackers Ted Kudrick 7 12.95 11.9 13.9 13.6 17.9 70.25
14. Broomall Broomall's Barnyard Bash P.J. Broomall 3 10.55 11.3 14.05 14.65 12.4 62.95
15. Greater Overbrook Memories of the Way We Were Jim Driadon 1 9.9 6.4 10.2 9.95 10.5 46.95
16. Trilby Trilby's La Vida Loca Joe Kaminski 2 8.6 6 9.2 11.45 11.4 46.65
17. Irish American Wastin' Away in Mummerietaville Kelly Marie Mahon 4 7 5 7.6 10 11.45 41.05

Top Captains

Place Captain Band
1. Thomas D'Amore Fralinger
2. Charlie Roetz Quaker City
3. Denny Palandro South Philadelphia
4. Jack Hee Avalon
5. Anthony Celenza Ferko

If you have any info such as Correct theme titles or missing information, please feel free to E-mail me!

� 2006 finkmeister@verizon.net